Windmills near Magic Valley

Did you know that the Magic Valley might have 2 wind turbine energy projects is its future? 

The Lava Ridge in Jerome County and Salmon Falls in Twin Falls County. 

The Taurus Winds in Gooding County is an Arevia Power project. 

All are on federal BLM land,  and are in various stages of development by Magic Valley Energy, formally known as LS Energy.

Lava Ridge is the furthest along with the environmental impact study that has been fast tracked and is due out in late summer. The 400 740’ tall turbines are twice as tall as the ones in Bliss and the blades exceed the wingspan of a Boeing 747 and is less than 2 miles away from Minidoka National Historic site. Since 2015 over 300 communities have said no to similar projects.

The Salmon Falls project would be less than 4 miles from the Clover Community.

Taurus Winds would be located between Wendell and Gooding. You are encouraged to contact your local, state and federal elected officials or BLM to voice your opinion regarding these projects or go to for more information.

What do you think about these windmill farms being built around the Magic Valley region?  Please post your comments.


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